church family ministries



The aim and purpose of the Philoptochos at all levels is philanthropy, which literally means “friend of mankind”. The Philoptochos formulates plans and methods to voluntarily aid the poor, the destitute, the hungry, the aged, the sick, the unemployed, the orphaned, the imprisoned, the widowed, the handicapped, victims of disasters as well as to undertake the burial of impoverished persons and to offer assistance to anyone who may need the help of the Church through special funds or solicitations on the National, Metropolis, and local levels.



Parish Council

The St. Nicholas Church parish council is a ministry responsible for upholding the mission and administering the affairs of St. Nicholas Church and to humbly represent the faithful of our parish and our Orthodox Church.

Paris Council



Nearly every Tuesday night, excitement and laughter fills the alley as our bowlers have fun, get a little exercise and enjoy each other’s company. St. Nicholas Church Bowling League is a family where good sportsmanship and fellowship is felt throughout the league and we invite you to join us.The league bowls at Winnetka Bowl on Tuesday night at 9:00 pm. If you’re interested in joining our bowling family please contact St. Nicholas Church office for more information.



“Make A Joyful Noise Unto the Lord” – Psalm 100

Participating in divine worship services as choir members is a sacred responsibility. St. Nicholas’ talented and dedicated choir lift up their voices, bring a richness to the worship experience, and help lead the congregation in giving praise. Directed by David Randal, new members are always welcome and background knowledge in Greek or musical notation is not a prerequisite as long as one has an ear for melody and a heart for serving God!


Orthodox Married Life

Orthodox Married Life (OML) serves to celebrate the sanctity of marriage by strengthening the bond between husband and wife. OML aims to help couples understand God’s plan for relationships by weaving together real-life situations, meaningful conversations, and scriptural texts, to lift up the beauty of God’s design.

Orthodox Married Life